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Policy Information

Client Name: John Doe
Policy #: P123456
Policy Type: RRSP
Policy Status: Active
Product Name: Single Premium Immediate Annuity
Policy Date: 12DEC1989
Investment Type: Annuity
Registered Status: Registered
Nominee Code: LMA
Spousal Indicator: S - Spouse
Spouse Birthdate: 12DEC1970
Spousal Contributor: Jane Doe
Annuity Type: Single Life
Premium Amount: 15863.31
Quote Date: 24MAR2010
Purchase Date: 25MAR2010
Guaranteed Period (Months): 120
Reduction Rate (%): 100.00
Annual Income Index (%): 0.00
Client Relationships
Relationship Client Name Client # Beneficiary Percentage Beneficiary Type
Owner/Annultant John Doe C123456
Beneficiary Jane Doe 100% Revokable
Payment Information
First Payment Date: 15AUG2010
Last Guaranteed Payment Date: 15AUG2010
Payment Frequency: Monthly
Payment Type: Cheque to investor
Periodic Income: 51.85
Annual Taxable Amount: $22.50
Banking Details
Payor Name: George Doe
Payor #: P67699
Bank #: 004
Bank Name: TD Canada Trust
Transit: 12345
Account #: xxxxxx321
Automatic Withdrawal Amount: $30.00
Date of Stop Payment: 25MAR2025
Advisor/Additional Information
Advisor Code: 3123
Advisor Name: 9170-8610 Quebec Inc
Distributor Code: 5227
Dealer Code: 3052
Industry Rep Code: 9000