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Policy Information

Client Name: John Doe
Policy #: P123456
Coverage Values
Effective Date:
Coverage Plan Code Plan Name Accumulated Values Unit Value
01 ALP3D1 Daily Interest Option $0.00 $0.00
02 ALP3F1 Advantage Life Plus Level with Art $0.00 $0.00
03 ALP3G1 Guaranteed Interest Option $0.00 $0.00
04 ALP3X1 Index Interest Option $1,865.37 $18.65
Cash Surrender Value: $1,865.37
Total Policy Value: $1,865.37
Cash Surrender Value
Accumulated Values (does not include any Side/Shuttle Account Guaranteed Surrender Values) less any loan Principle, Accrued Loan Interest and any applicable surrender changes.
Total Policy Value
Accumulated Values (includes Side/Shuttle Account Values) plus Total Guaranteed Surrender Values (if applicable) less any Loan Principle, Accrued Loan Interest and any applicable surrender charges. This field will display as zero if values are negative.
Coverage 01 Plan: ALP3D1 Face Amt: $0.00 Insured Name: John Doe
Client #:
Insured Name:
John Doe
Jane Doe
Date of Birth:
Coverage Status: In Force
Coverage Age: 031
Coverage Gender: Male
Coverage Smoker Class: Non-Smoker
Face Amount: $0.00
Policy Status: In Force
Issue/Effective Date: 12DEC1999
Maturity Date: 12DEC2118
Renewal Date:
Death Benefit: $0.00
Plan Code: ALP3D1
Plan Name: Daily Interest Option
Mode Premium: $0.00
Side/Shuttle Account: No
Side/Shuttle Account Status: Inactive
Mortality Extra Rate: 1.00
Flat Extra Prem Amount: $0.00
Flat Extra Rating Duration: 3 yrs
Mortality Extra Premium: $0.00
Mortality Extra Duration: 0
Underwriting Class: Non-Smoking
Joint Indicator: Joint first to die
Joint Age:
Joint Sex Ind:
Joint Smoker Ind:
DI Waiting Period: 119 days
Conversion Expiry Date: 12Dec2108
Disability Class: Occupation class
Coverage 02 Plan: ALP3F1 Face Amt: $150,000.00 Insured Name: John Doe
Client #:
Insured Name:
John Doe
Jane Doe
Date of Birth:
Coverage Status: In Force
Coverage Age: 031
Coverage Gender: Male
Coverage Smoker Class: Non-Smoker
Face Amount: $0.00
Policy Status: In Force
Issue/Effective Date: 12DEC1999
Maturity Date: 12DEC2118
Renewal Date:
Death Benefit: $0.00
Plan Code: ALP3D1
Plan Name: Daily Interest Option
Mode Premium: $0.00
Side/Shuttle Account: No
Side/Shuttle Account Status: Inactive
Mortality Extra Rate: 1.00
Flat Extra Prem Amount: $0.00
Flat Extra Rating Duration: 3 yrs
Mortality Extra Premium: $0.00
Mortality Extra Duration: 0
Underwriting Class: Non-Smoking
Joint Indicator: Joint first to die
Joint Age:
Joint Sex Ind:
Joint Smoker Ind:
DI Waiting Period: 119 days
Conversion Expiry Date: 12Dec2108
Disability Class: Occupation class
Coverage 03 Plan: ALP3G1 Face Amt: $0.00 Insured Name: John Doe
Client #:
Insured Name:
John Doe
Jane Doe
Date of Birth:
Coverage Status: In Force
Coverage Age: 031
Coverage Gender: Male
Coverage Smoker Class: Non-Smoker
Face Amount: $0.00
Policy Status: In Force
Issue/Effective Date: 12DEC1999
Maturity Date: 12DEC2118
Renewal Date:
Death Benefit: $0.00
Plan Code: ALP3D1
Plan Name: Daily Interest Option
Mode Premium: $0.00
Side/Shuttle Account: No
Side/Shuttle Account Status: Inactive
Mortality Extra Rate: 1.00
Flat Extra Prem Amount: $0.00
Flat Extra Rating Duration: 3 yrs
Mortality Extra Premium: $0.00
Mortality Extra Duration: 0
Underwriting Class: Non-Smoking
Joint Indicator: Joint first to die
Joint Age:
Joint Sex Ind:
Joint Smoker Ind:
DI Waiting Period: 119 days
Conversion Expiry Date: 12Dec2108
Disability Class: Occupation class
Coverage 04 Plan: ALP3X1 Face Amt: $0.00 Insured Name: John Doe
Client #:
Insured Name:
John Doe
Jane Doe
Date of Birth:
Coverage Status: In Force
Coverage Age: 031
Coverage Gender: Male
Coverage Smoker Class: Non-Smoker
Face Amount: $0.00
Policy Status: In Force
Issue/Effective Date: 12DEC1999
Maturity Date: 12DEC2118
Renewal Date:
Death Benefit: $0.00
Plan Code: ALP3D1
Plan Name: Daily Interest Option
Mode Premium: $0.00
Side/Shuttle Account: No
Side/Shuttle Account Status: Inactive
Mortality Extra Rate: 1.00
Flat Extra Prem Amount: $0.00
Flat Extra Rating Duration: 3 yrs
Mortality Extra Premium: $0.00
Mortality Extra Duration: 0
Underwriting Class: Non-Smoking
Joint Indicator: Joint first to die
Joint Age:
Joint Sex Ind:
Joint Smoker Ind:
DI Waiting Period: 119 days
Conversion Expiry Date: 12Dec2108
Disability Class: Occupation class