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Policy Information

Client Name: John Doe
Policy #: P123456
Policy Type: Universal Life
Policy Status: In Force
App Received Date: 01DEC1999
Paid to Date: 12DEC2013
Policy Date: 12DEC1999
Settled Date: 12DEC1999
Link Account #: 123456
Client Relationships
Relationship Client Name Client # Beneficiary Percentage Type
Primary Insured John Doe C123456
Owner George Doe C987654
Beneficiary Jane Doe 100% Revokable
Advisor/Additional Information
Advisor Code: 216871
Advisor Name: 9170-8610 QUEBEC INC
Distributor Code: LMA
Writing Advisor: 994476
Writing Advisor Name: Francois Marcoux
Solicitor: 99999
Solicitor Name: Test Agent
Marketing Concept Ind: N/A
Comments: Testing
Inforce Illustration Download

Inforce Illustration Download is for downloading old products date to the Old Illustration Software.

Old products - Challenger, Endeavour, Discovery 2000, Achiever, OmniLife & Horizon